Parental Consent for Participation

Malta Tennis & Padel Federation

By allowing your child to participate in events, tournaments, training programs, or other activities organized by the Malta Tennis & Padel Federation (the “Association”), you, as the parent or legal guardian, are agreeing to the terms outlined below.

Participation Consent

As a parent/guardian, you consent to your child’s involvement in all tennis-related activities under the Association’s management. While every effort is made to ensure a safe environment, you acknowledge that participation in sports may involve inherent risks, including injuries, and you accept these risks on behalf of your child.

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency, you authorize the Association to seek appropriate medical attention for your child, including but not limited to hospital treatment. All reasonable efforts will be made to contact you immediately in such situations. Any costs arising from medical care that are not covered by insurance are your responsibility.

Photo and Video Consent

During training sessions, tournaments, and related events, photographs and videos may be captured. These may be used by the Association for promotional purposes, including but not limited to publications, social media, and the Association’s website. If you object to your child being included in such media, please notify the Association in writing prior to participation.

Liability Release

By permitting your child to participate in Association activities, you release the Association, its staff, and volunteers from liability for any injuries, damages, or losses that occur, except in cases of gross negligence.


By continuing with your child’s registration and/or participation, you confirm that:

  • You have read and understood the above terms.
  • You agree to these conditions on behalf of your child.
  • You will ensure that your child complies with the Association’s rules and regulations.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact us at [email protected]